Get out of the game by the gold reserves of the Central Bank of Turkey 364 tons of molten night


The Council noted that 364 tonnes of gold (Reserve Option Mechanism), which are included in Central Bank reserves (CBT), can not be presented as actual reserves for gold accounts Banks (Reserve Option Mechanism). The central bank's gold reserves will be in dollars. CBRT announced the total amount of gold reserves of $ 22.9 billion as of July 20, 2018. According to calculations made by the IPA on the current exchange rate and the price of the ounce , the dollar reserve of gold reserves declined by $ 14.1 billion. 8.8 billion dollars net gold reserves of geriledi.uluslarara organizations that gold reserves that make assessments on Turkey will be based on this figure.

Whereas the same period TCC, gross foreign exchange reserves of 78.5 billion, total reserves including gold 87.3 billion fell to.

9 STEPS TO FOLLOW FOR TURKEY 19th place decreased
364 gold to Turkey's 19 gold reserves "unculug decreased from nine places in the ranking to inclusion in the calculation.

World Gold Council, Krishan Group Market Intelligence Gopaul, International Monetary Fund of Turkey data (IMF) this report, he noted that the net reserves of the central bank.

Gopaul, "Except that the CBT can have, it holds the rum context of the banks led to an increase in reserves gold figure covers too. We decided not to include the data gold occurred as part of the ROM in terms of supply make a more accurate comparison to accurately reflect more reserves belonging to its CBT and other reserves countries. " He said.

Central Bank, United States and Great Britain in the Tutti of Gold in 2017 at the end of Turkey

The Central Bank has used expressions of declining reserves on reserves as "different analyzes and calculations on reserves are connected to people and institutions that operate"

The Banks are obliged to deposit a portion of the deposits they collect from the Central Bank.

Central banks can change the amount and cost of loans that banks will increase by increasing or decreasing their reserve ratios.

Currency and currency deposit rates can be changed and reserves denominated in local and foreign currencies can be set aside. Reserve Option Mechanism (ROM) is an application that allows banks to deposit a certain percentage of their term deposits in gold or foreign currency

This is an application that allows banks to deposit a certain percentage of their future reserves in gold or foreign currency

the situation is not an obligation for banks, but an alternative.

Increased foreign currency holdings by the ROM and increased competitiveness of the economy against external financial shocks.


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