Half of hypertensive patients ignorant of diseases | Health News


Faculty of Health Sciences, faculty member, cardiology specialist, associate According to Gokhan Buyer, about 3 out of 10 people in the world suffer from high blood pressure. "In general, 50% of patients are totally unaware of the situation – a significant portion of those who are uninformed or not receiving effective treatment," he said.

Assoc. Dr. The recipient answered the questions of World Arterial Hypertension Day on May 17th. Acute high blood pressure, known as high blood pressure, is one of the most common chronic diseases and a public health problem worldwide.The recipient is informed of the World Day of Hypertension, a stroke related to high blood pressure, premature death with diseases of the heart and kidneys. to organize and provide information on this disease, on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the population, he said.


The buyer, May 17, is celebrated as World Hypertension Day, recalling, "We know that nearly 3 out of 10 people in the world suffer from high blood pressure. In general, 50% of patients completely ignore their status. According to the data of heart disease and risk factors (TEKHARF) in Turkish adults, hypertension is most often observed in the Black Sea region, followed by the Marmara region. The disease is observed at least in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions. In middle age, blood pressure was higher in women than in rural areas, but higher in women than in men. The body mass index (obesity) can be considered as an important factor.


Specialist in Cardiology Assoc. Dr. Gökhan Buyer, said that the increase in age throughout the world's hypertension, "Given the increase each year, the median age in Turkey will continue to become an increasingly important health problem of hypertension in years later. High blood pressure, kidneys without symptoms for a long time, the brain, heart and vascular system damage "Silent enemy call" because the blood pressure must be determined at regular intervals to be measured ", has t -he declares.


The most salient signs of high blood pressure, the recipient continued his speech: "weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain, nasal bleeding, blurred vision, ears in ears, difficulty walking and climbing stairs, sometimes very frequent urination, waking night swelling of the legs is the most important symptoms of hypertension.More than a cause of hypertension: heredity, sex, diabetes, obesity, consumption tobacco and alcohol, stress, insufficient physical activity, excessive salt intake, poor eating habits and old age, as seen during pregnancy can also develop high blood pressure.

Gokhan Buyer, patients should pay attention to the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, healthy eating, weight control, physical activity, regular salt consumption, reduced number of exams and regular consultations, paying particular attention to drug monitoring, recommended dosage and duration of uninterrupted use, regular monitoring of blood pressure outlined.

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