How are the LGS preferences made? SEM 2018 Lisesi Transition Examination (LGS) Preference Guide


The LGS Preference Guide is searched for by students and parents who will start high school. Instead of TEOG, the Liseye Pass test was applied for the first time this year. As a result, all of the MoNE's statements about how the process will unfold are closely monitored. As of today, the LGS membership process will continue until July 13th. The details on LGS are in our news …

How do LGS PREFERENCES work? 2018

(a) Students who have successfully completed or graduated from grade 8 may have a transfer application for placement and selection.


b) Preference The process can be done by the student and his parents over the Internet at the address https: // eokul ​​or from any undergraduate high school administrator.

c) All students, including those who participated in the exam and who obtained the exam score of the Center, must have a preference for the student who receives the exam. school by local placement.

(c) Students who have completed the final registration process for private high schools and schools receiving an aptitude test will not be able to find a preference

d) students; Students will be able to choose from three (3) groups, namely schools with exam center, schools with local placement, student schools and parent schools. Students who do not pass the central exam will be able to choose from two (2) groups: local enrollment, student enrollment schools and hosted schools.

e) Students will first prefer the screen for local enrollments and student enrollments. Students will be able to choose a maximum of 5 (five) schools, provided they choose from the top 3 (three) school enrollment fields of their choice in local placement. It is possible to select up to three (3) schools of the same type (Anatolian High School, Anatolian vocational and technical high school, Anatolian High School Imam Hatip). Students who have completed the registration process by making their preferences for schools that are local placement students, will be open to schools that receive students with central review in case of applications. Parents' schools will have a choice of 15 schools in total, with a maximum of 5 (five) schools on the preferences screen.

f) Students who do not participate in the exam will not be able to choose the screen Schools with Central Exam

g) Schools on the screen local placement preferences; The green color indicates schools in the registered area where the student's home address is located. The blue color indicates schools in the "Neighbor Registration Area" based on the student's home address, located in the neighbor's registration area.

"Investment-based transfers are shown in the" Schedule of Preferences and Investments "and" Other "in other provincial registration fields that are not located in the area of ​​the province. 39 and registration in the registration area. dates and times in 4 (four) periods. Each period The central examination point will accommodate a maximum of three (3) schools for registered students, a maximum of three (3) for schools receiving students by local placement and a maximum of three (3) schools for hostel schools.

h) Students preferring students who take students and who prefer to settle in the first place will not be required to choose the school and the different types of the registration area during the periods of transportation preference for placement. However, students who can not be placed in their preferences will be able to prefer a maximum of 3 (three) schools, provided that they choose among the first 2 (2) school enrollment areas in their transfer preferences for placement. Students can choose a maximum of two (2) schools of the same type (Anatolian High School, Anatolian High School and Technical High School, Imam Hatip Anatolian High School).

i) In the fourth transfer request period for students,

i) Preference procedures will be conducted based on the schools on the list of preferences published by our Department on the Internet at the address ​​or (19659004) j) For those who can not make their choice in the electronic environment, school boards must submit the "Pre-Work Form for Investment Preferences", which the student and his / her / – 1 "(July 13, 2018 at 5 pm)

k) Open Education Secondary Education Students will be able to make their preferences in accordance with the provisions contained in the" General Explanations "section of this manual.

) For the placement-based transfer process, requests for preference may be made from August 6 to 10, 2018, from August 13 to 17, 2018, from August 27 to 31, 2018, and from September 3 to 6, 2018 at 5 pm 19659004] (m) Registration and transfer procedures may be carried out at private secondary schools in the process of receiving applications for transfer preference based on placement

n) Demands andes transfer based on placement will be preferred

o) The preferences will be approved by the school principal in electronic form, regardless of the vacant quota of the school. Any corrections, if relevant for preferences, must be made prior to electronic approval. Once confirmed, the student selection process will be completed. The student will be able to request the correction or cancellation of the application by contacting the school management in the periods of preference indicated in the timetable for the correction or cancellation of the parents of the student. Preference Application Status Students who appear to be "canceled" will not be included in the placement process.

ö) Preferences must be made in an error-free and fully electronic environment in accordance with the Preference and Placement Guide.

(p) After completing and signing the "Preliminary Work Schedule for Placement Preferences Appendix-1" by the parents, the preferences will be printed in duplicate in the system after being approved by the parent. school administration.

r) All information on preference and placement procedures will be made at ​​and

Choice counseling services will be offered to students who will be solicited by the preference counseling boards established under the coordination of the Special Education and Special Needs Branch. July 2 to 13, 2018.


(a) During the 2017-2018 school year, the 8th year of secondary school or imam hatip was successfully completed with the participation of students who did not privilege,


b) To have the Central Examination Score for schools that have passed the examination


According to LGS preferences, placement results and vacancies will be announced by SEM on July 30, 2018.




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