Low blood pressure can lead to excessive blood pressure, diarrhea, antidepressants, etc.
In addition to swelling of the heart, prolonged diarrhea, stiffness, thirst, sadness, sudden upset, blood loss, diseases, Parkinson's disease, tumors to the brain and spinal cord can also cause hypotension.
Low blood pressure usually results in blurred vision, weakness, tinnitus, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, discoloration of the face, blurred consciousness, and so on. and difficulty breathing.
From time to time, lowering blood pressure can also lead to uncertainty.
In order to avoid low blood pressure, balanced nutrition and adequate water intake should be taken into account and salt intake should be limited in order to prevent problems of "low blood pressure". hypotension to avoid big problems in case of unconsciousness.
Treatment of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases, especially anemia, should not be interrupted. To be protected from low temptation, sports must be done but avoided from excessive fatigue, extreme temperatures and prolonged standing.
The first thing to do at low altitude is to place the patient on a flat surface of the slope and to lift his feet to a level of the body level.
If the cause of hypotension is unknown and the patient is unconscious, then no fluid or food should be given to the patient.
Salted buttermilk is often prescribed to patients to increase hypotension, however, if hypotension is caused by excessive heat, dehydration, excessive sweating and fatigue, the patient may receive Water,. However, this can lead to more dangerous situations, especially for hypertensive patients.
If the patient does not come to the knowledge of the patient, or if the complaints related to hypotension are still present, he should be taken to a health facility as soon as possible.
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