How will be LG's first collapsible smartphone?


2019 will literally be the model year of foldable smartphone . One of the companies that will be involved in this transition will certainly be LG . Names like Oppo, Samsung and Huawei are actively developing foldable smartphones How will the folding smartphone appear on the collapsible smartphone ? LG the closest name to the flexible OLED panels and that he developed in this area, is also working on his own model of course. The company received patents for that, working on a design similar to the Samsung Galaxy X . So the company who dreams of a model that doubles half of the middle, think that it is the most useful structure. The company, which would have developed a special hinge for this purpose plans to put a "front stereo speaker" on the first collapsible smartphone model . In the patents, the company which also shows the model of flexible circuit boards seems theoretically ready in the process .


The latest V35 ThinQ model comes from LG

6 inches OLED display The V35 ThinQ offers a resolution of 2880 × 1440 pixels on this screen. This screen with PPI value 538 seems really catchy. The phone, called Snapdragon processor 845 and 6GB RAM has a dual camera system behind him. Here, the 16-megapixel wide angle with the F1.9 diaphragm and the standard 16-megapixel F1.6 cameras come together. In front of him is the phone with a wide angle camera F1.9 8 megapixels, with 3.300 mAh battery. V35 ThinQ, with Android 8.0 Oreo can enhance 64GB internal storage with microSD cards . Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 smart phone supports 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC support sound

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