I need a concert! Talar will play from the spot


02.07.2018 09:41

Last updated: 02.07.2018 09:44

ThyssenKrupp of the German industrial giant, and the Indian company Tata, the giant understanding is complete. The company has decided to join and announces its understanding. By joining the two companies, which operate at the scale of the court, automobile, etc., the second largest producer in Europe will emerge, but it will be more than 4,000. [19659003ThyssenKrupponeoftheworld'sleadingindustrialengineeringandsteelmakinghaslongdesiredtojoinTatainthecurrentarenawhilethenewcompanyhopestosave400-500millioneuroswhileannualproductionisexpectedtoreach21milliontonsThemergerwillbethesecondlargeststeelproducerinEurope

The center is also known in the Netherlands, while the name of the new company, "Thyssenkrupp Tata Steel", which aims for better competition with the cheaper Chinese throne,

Established as part of 39; a 50/50 partnership, the company is considered the biggest impetus of the European steel industry since 2006, when Arcelor and Mittal merged. After the approval of the EU and other institutions, the merger between ThyssenKrupp and Tata will take place.

While the new company is expected to make a turnover of about 15 billion euros with a production of 21 million tons, a saving of 400 to 500 million euros is planned [19659008]

The company operates in a total of 48,000 in 34 countries, but it should be among 4,000 people. This loss is also part of the news among the two companies.

ThyssenKrupp, who supplies products in many areas, from escalators to submarines, protested that unification plans were a blessing.

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