02.07.2018 09:41
Last updated: 02.07.2018 09:44
ThyssenKrupp of the German industrial giant, and the Indian company Tata, the giant understanding is complete. The company has decided to join and announces its understanding. By joining the two companies, which operate at the scale of the court, automobile, etc., the second largest producer in Europe will emerge, but it will be more than 4,000. [19659003ThyssenKrupponeoftheworld'sleadingindustrialengineeringandsteelmakinghaslongdesiredtojoinTatainthecurrentarenawhilethenewcompanyhopestosave400-500millioneuroswhileannualproductionisexpectedtoreach21milliontonsThemergerwillbethesecondlargeststeelproducerinEurope
The center is also known in the Netherlands, while the name of the new company, "Thyssenkrupp Tata Steel", which aims for better competition with the cheaper Chinese throne,
ThyssenKrupp, who supplies products in many areas, from escalators to submarines, protested that unification plans were a blessing.
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