İdo Bedelli End Point to military critics



Ido, who plays in a hotel in Bodrum, duets with his sister Dilan Tatlıses. Dear Abraham Tatlises 'in' haydi say & # 39; song, the duo's reading has gained a great appreciation.
İdo Tatlıses took the stage in a hotel the night before. Ido, who started the program with the songs of his father Ibrahim Tatlises, did not miss the white sweat towel of his shoulder. In the second part of the concert, İdo, invited on the scene by "Ablam came to meet me, we are children of the same father", who came with his fiancé Levent Dörter with surprise and made a surprise with his brother.
On the other hand, Dilan Çıtak, guest of İdo Tatlıses, drew attention to the super mini shorts and hair style that she called "Palmiye model". They also sang the song "Sorry" which hit the summer months after the duet that they had done together. The Tatlıses brothers who are going to remake a duet have come to the sadness of the installation of the Hotel. With the deterioration of a sound system, Ido and Dilan together sang the song of their father İbrahim Tatlıses 'haydi say'.
İdo Tatlıses, who did not stay there for a concert of about two hours, said that his favorite songs on the hospitality scene were accompanied by a magnificent choral.
A short interview with reporters,, the last week of the birthday of Derya Tuna's parents came with the reason for the questions addressed to her about "Anniversary Celebrate, Eat Food." One is my mother, someone is my dad.This is going very well. "So would you like them to remarry?
He put the last point on his criticism of the army

Because of his interpretation of the soldier on the ballot, he said, "I think it's a time and an age of everything. The purpose of the arrows of the criticism is to clarify the subject of the young singer Ido, "My song is new.I focus on the album, I find the reaction in social media to be invalid.I will not report on nobody, even if it is an idea as it is alleged.The subject has been totally removed.It is nothing to do.
My mother did not separate us
Iddo answering his allegations that his mother had also discriminated by his love. "I find that very funny. My mother does not do such a thing in life, we separated by talking and accepting. (19659004)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) did not neglect the fact that he had a lot of pictures of memories with ido fans. {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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