ISTANBUL (AA) -. Antalya, the hotel where the show ready to be bitten by a cobra and a private plane brought the illusionist Aref Ghafouri to Egypt for antidote treatment, after being released he returned to Turkey [19659003] Turkish Airlines [19659003] Aref told the AA correspondent that he felt that the situation after the heat of the cobra was not good and that the antidote was the antidote to the antidote said that he decided to go to a country
stating the antidote is said could come in the fastest 15 days in Turkey Aref, expressed as follows :.
"Normally, I will not survive after 15 days these poisons in the body, already you usually die in a few hours, but my luck is that the snake died after my sting. People l & # 39; had seen dead in the cage, Probably was sick, I went out to wash, it was the last moments but bit me in the last moments but I got rid of him. He bites me a bit of time, usually after he's bitten him, and he keeps biting until he kills you.
Aref explained that he feels well and that he will be fully recovered after the inflammation of his arm was removed within 15-20 days
– " I do not show the snake "
Aref said that doctors in this country were very surprised when he went to Egypt without being interrupted for 25 hours.
"I thank all those who have supported me here and also those who solve the visa procedures 30 days before the government in one hour.I clearly understand on the subject, the Ministry of Health does not mend the same. did not send to Egypt with a plane, there is a mistake.Some people are wondering why they did it.I rented an ambulance on my own and I went there and I I went there to enjoy it, not to enjoy it.In this case, I chose this route because they did not take me a regular plane.
I am also clear that I do not do snake show because those who show the snake remove the snake's teeth or squeeze their mouths and usually do it abroad in Thailand because there is a lot of snake there Men do this work because they think it is not the health of the snake but that it is money. [19659003] The illusionist Aref Ghafouri was taken to the Antalya training and research hospital with the help of his assistant, who was bitten by the right arm by the cobra during from the preparation of the hotel in Antalya, July 16, 1945.
Aref (19659014)! The function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) was voluntarily evacuated from the hospital and was transported to Egypt with a special aircraft for treatment, and discharged after treatment at the hospital. Kasr Nile Hospital in Cairo. {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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