In which musicals do termites place a faster plateau?


Who Wants to Be a Millionaire was launched tonight ATV & # 39; . Murat Yildirim's contest, the issue of 60 thousand pounds, caused the withdrawal of the candidate. In which music are termites faster? What is the answer to the question in this new …

What kind of music do termites take faster?
A: Classical Western Music
B: Jazz
C: Heavy Metal
D: Hip Hop

Answer; A: Heavy Metal.

Termites (Isoptera) take the name of a white ant, termite or akkarin.

] They are known for their great harm, especially in the tropics and subtropics by eating their foliage and other substances of organic origin. As they live and escape from the light, the damage to the water can be understood after all that is done.

There are about 3000 termites in the world. Turcia is the richest continent of Africa. They are concentrated in tropical forests. In Turkey, but there are three types: Kalotermes flavicollis, Reticulitermes lucifugus and Anacanthotermes Ubach est

2, MTB August since 2011 quiz published show Who wants to be a millionaire.? Presented by Murat Yıldırım. "Who wants to be a millionaire?"

The presenter of the candidate, Kenan Işık, was offered by many famous friends, respectively, until the end of the season, because of his cerebral hemorrhage on March 21, 2014 and his inability to present the program. Later, the Selcuk method began presenting the program for three years. Murat Yıldırım resumed the presentation of the program in February 2017. [1] Contest Rules

There are 12 questions in the contest. 1,000 TL in the second question and 15,000 TL in the seventh question. If you lose the contest, you will be rewarded for your last dam challenge. If you get it, you will receive the reward for the last answer. You can also use 3 of the 4 wild cards that are available at any time. Another wildcard right, ie. Double right answer; You can use it after the 7th question

In the new race, unlike the old competition, there is a "voice question" that is asked. The participant listens first to the voice recording and tries to answer the question asked about the voice recording. The audio question is asked in the first 7 questions, including the 7th question which is considered the 2nd dam

Joker Rights
Phone: The competitor can call one of the 3 friends who l '# 39; called for 30 seconds [19659004] Half-time (50:50): The computer randomly selects 2 options that are not correct

Ask the audience: Through the given handheld to the public, they make a choice as to the answer to the problem.

Duplicate Response: Unlike its predecessor, this wildcard allows you to answer the question twice; but competitors using jokery can not be drawn and used only after the 7th question. In addition, if the first answer given when using the double answer is false, then the answer is indicated in gray.

Questions and Rewards

12. Question – 1,000,000 TL

11. Question – 250,000 TL

10. Question – 125,000 TL

9. Question – 60,000 TL

8. Question – 30,000 TL

7. Question – 15,000 TL – (Dam)

6. Question – 7500 TL

5. Question – 5,000 TL

4. Question – 3000 TL

3. Question – 2,000 LT

2. Question – 1000 TL – (Dam)

1. Question – 500 LT

The highest sentence of the judge is 1 million Turkish liras. The price, which was $ 500 billion in the old competition, was 500 Thousand YTL in 2005 due to 6 zeros of money. However, when the YTL is finished and the TL is increased by the current, the name of YTL is TL and the Grand Prize is 500 thousand TL. In this case, who is the name of the program Who needs five hundred hundreds? changed into. In the rebroadcasting program, the grand prize was set at 1 million TL as in other countries.


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