Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced by the economic leadership of the new government is planning major traffic on the international scene. The first major event before the ministers will be the meeting of G20 ministers to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 21 and 22
According to the AA journalists' report, the economic administration of Erdogan's cabinet has shown the Inflation, unemployment and the current account deficit put emphasis on fiscal discipline and bring permanent solutions to fundamental structural problems. In this process, ministers will represent Turkey in international organizations.
Treasury Office and brought to the Ministry of Finance task Berat Albayrak, capital of Argentina on July 21 and 22 will be held in Buenos Aires, the G20 should attend the Finance Ministers Meeting
World Economy, impact of technological change on economies, participation in private infrastructure investment, strong, sustainable and balanced growth with the participation of G20 Ministers, Heads of Central Banks and representatives of international organizations such as the Fund International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF
One of the important meetings of the new economic administration on the international scene is the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund Partnership between the group and the IMF in Indonesia from 8 to 14 October.
A total of 12,000 to 15,000 persons, including representatives of finance ministers, press employees, private sector representatives, banking specialists, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations from 189 countries, [19659003] Ratings Credit Rating Agencies
In the new era, the focus will be on the addresses that will focus on the eyes of the new era will also note the agencies credit rating.
reports more objective description of the past expectations of these organizations with the controversial decision on the economy of Turkey has been expressed repeatedly. Credit rating agency
for Fitch Ratings on July 13, is expected to publish ratings of Standard & Poor's (S & P) ratings of the economy of Turkey on August 17.
They are also expected to take place with representatives of the meeting of international organizations, which include, in which the reforms planned by the new government to life (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) n.callmethod?
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