Mu So if you really drink water, does it work? Because the system is moving like this! However, here is a very important point that will make you laugh, your face is useful. An individual with an ultra fast metabolism does not pay attention to his nutrition and will gain weight if he is not doing enough exercise. So; You must not give up immediately by saying: my metabolism is slow. What we are going to do is very clear: we will eat healthy, increase our physical activity! It's in our hands to revive the metabolism, said Üniversitesi Dyt, a nutrition and food specialist at Istanbul's Okan University Hospital. Sinem Usuk, explained.
According to studies, sleeping in a cool room with pajamas, which is not too thick, increases the amount of brown adipose tissue in our body. What is the brown adipose tissue? If I explain pretty much; Although it is an adipose tissue, it is a type of tissue that acts as a muscle of our body. Do not forget to say, act like a muscle to burn calories in the body!
Some studies suggest that caffeine consumption increases the metabolic rate and decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, consuming too much caffeine during the day can cause irritability, nausea or insomnia. For a healthy individual, it is best not to exceed 2-3 cups a day.
3. Reduce your stress level!
Even if you do not have the habit of eating during times of stress, it can become more difficult for your body to burn calories. In a study conducted at Ohio State University in 2014, women who reported being stressed for 24 hours after eating the same food groups burned an average of 104 fewer calories than those who n & # 39; Were not stressed. It is reported that he will return about 5 pounds after 1 year. Stress stimulates the secretion of the hormone cortisol and is one of the important factors of worsening metabolism and the risk of long-term obesity.
4. A good night's sleep
It has been shown that metabolism slows down in women and men when the quality of sleep is insufficient. Experts associate this condition with the secretion of cortisol when the body is under stress. In studies, it is indicated that an intermittent sleep during the night (a sleep that you wake up often) is not a recovery from your metabolism compared to 7 hours without sleep.
It is now known that any type of physical activity, even walking for 30 minutes, speeds up the metabolism. The only way to increase your muscle mass is to handle them properly. For this you need to do some physical activity and feed your muscles with the right foods. The higher your muscle mass, the faster your metabolism will accelerate.
One of the most delicious ways to speed up your metabolism. Capsaicin, found in pepper, increases body temperature and accelerates fat burning. However, it should be emphasized that this effect should not be overestimated. In his decision, the use of spices can contribute to metabolic rate but can damage overproduction. There is evidence that isothiocyanates in cutting foods such as mustard and wasabi help activate brown adipose tissue and speed up metabolism.
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