Josef de Souza: Our problem is not Topal-Josef


F Brazilian midfielder Enerbadze, Josef de Souza, answered questions from the media yesterday. Asked about the idea of ​​playing with Mehmet Topal, Josef rebelled: "I'm tired of this issue, all the teachers who came here have played us both, but the fans and the press are unfair and our job is to reverse this idea. 19659002] The problem was that was not playing side by side, but there were other problems to solve … The team could not be champion because these problems were not solved.
Meanwhile, Souza shared with the big sufferer that he had lived with a part that he had made social media. "We thank all our supporters and friends who are with us in this process and have given us their support " . "

] F.Coach's Technical Director, who transferred his philosophy to his footballers, asked Yesterday:" Do you follow in the field, n? Feel free to scream and warn your friends, and to quickly implement what you think. "

Barış Buyer, who was transferred from Altınordu, entered the The young straight, who quickly grabbed the words of coach Cocu, drew attention with the performance in the game, his movements and his goals in training. [19659013Fenerbahcewhofacedİstanbulsporintheopeningmatchandscored1-1onthepitchtodayannouncedhissecondprivatemeetingwiththeSwissteaminLausannewillstartat8pmFenerbahcewillreturntohishomelandafterplayinghislastmatchattheSwissJuly18withtheEnglishteamFulham

F.Gahce, who was hired by Tottenham last season, was in his yellow- does not hide what you want to continue.

  Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş are listed in the list, here are the giants of social media

The Dutch striker posted yesterday his official photo Fenerbahçe of the account İnstagram and added "Fenerbahçe Oyuncusu" [ad_2]
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