The Ministry of Health has prepared an emergency action plan for tobacco products. First, the ban on the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products for children under 18 will be 21 years old.
According to spokesman Deniz Ayhan, the protection of children and youth against the use of tobacco products and the realization of their accessibility to children and adolescents should be ensured.
Penal sanctions will be introduced and regular inspections will be conducted to deter those who do not comply with current legislation prohibiting the sale, distribution and display of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age.
Measures to prevent the sale of tobacco products (individual cigarettes, etc.) and juvenile tobacco, rolled tobacco, leaves and cigarette paper will be underlined. [1]
In the event of the sale, distribution and display of tobacco products to persons under the age of 18, administrative penalties will be added to the penalties imposed for the sale, distribution and display of tobacco products.
Sellers of tobacco products turn 18
It will be mandatory to keep security cameras at all points of sale and presentation and to present images to agents during inspections carried out without a court order.
The scope of the current legal regime, which prohibits the sale and distribution of tobacco products to persons who do not respect the age of 18, will be expanded and the age of tobacco purchase will increase from 18 to 21.
The logo, color and shape of tobacco products, sugar, snacks, toys, t-shirts, bags, etc. must be located at least 500 meters from workshops, training institutions and student dormitories. (f.fbq) return, n = f.fbq = function () {n (n), n, t, s) .callmethod?
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