Last minute … Army attack against the Osmaniye Chamber of Commerce and Industry


An armed attack on the Osmaniye Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organized. On the offensive, President Devrim Aksoy was injured while assistant Hasan Ersoy lost his life. The suspect of the armed attack is SK

The person who came to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Osmaniye at 12 o'clock entered the office of the president's office of the 39, OTSO Devrim Aksoy on the upper floor of the two-story building. Here there was a debate between the person who was not identified and President Aksoy and his assistant Hasan Ersoy. Suspect on the growth of the Tartman, fired his gun, shot Aksoy and Ersoy in a row. President Devrim Aksoy, his assistant Hasan Ersoy, was seriously injured by a large number of bullets that hit his body.

On notice, health teams and numerous police officers were dispatched to the scene. Aksoy was taken to Osmaniye Public Hospital and Ersoy was taken to a private hospital. Hasan Ersoy wounded who were treated, despite all the efforts of the doctors, could not be saved.


After the incident, police forces began to investigate the room where the incident took place. The alleged killer is SK


On the other hand, Mustafa Kocaman, a doctor from the special hospitals where Ersoy was abolished, explained that Hasan Ersoy named the 39, hospital as a result of guns injured 112 teams at 12:15 "We began to enter uninterrupted, and there were a lot of holes in and out under and under the knees of both legs , right and left. "Despite all interventions, we lost the patient around 13:00, lost a lot of blood on the scene,

Omer Faruk Coşkun, the governor of Osmaniye, said that the The attacker who had been captured could be related to the incident as well as the person who had been arrested. of course

Coşkun, who said that the investigation into the attack continues, said: "The connection is tempted to be detected.We have no opportunity to make a detailed assessment because the event is so hot.The attacker has been captured.Our friends are working on connections and other things.3 attorneys have been assigned to the case. The subject is followed.After the attack at Osmaniye TSO, the suspect was captured about 200 meters in advance.Soon, the event seems to be due to the job demand, but the context may be different and his research is ongoing. "

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