Last minute | Completion & # 39; Brave Girl & # 39; Ahed, free after 8 months


The Israeli government released the "brave Palestinian girl" Ahed and-Temimi (17) and her mother, who received the Hanzala Courage Award.

Temimi and his mother Neriman said this morning that the Nebi Salih borders the city of Ramallah

The Temimi was sentenced to 8 months in prison on March 21st.

What Happened

Israeli soldiers reported that Temimi raided the house where she lived in Ramallah on the 19th December 2017 then he took her into custody.

The occupation of the West Bank in the occupied West Bank of Nebi Salih, in the city of Nebi Salih, hit an Israeli soldier forced into the courtyard.

Cousin Nur and-Temimi, who was seen next to Ahed on the video, was later detained in a military prison and released after bail

"Palestinian Ahed, also known as "Brave Girl", received the "Hanzala Courage Award" in Istanbul for her attitude towards Israeli soldiers when he was arrested in 2012.

Ahed also met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his tenure as Prime Minister 19659011]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f .fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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