Last minute … Erdogan, Putin and spiritual summit, soon to Tehran


Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Foreign Policy Advisor of Iran Ali Akbar Velayati, Astana, the leaders of the countries guarantors of the peace process, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Syria's spiritual Iranian leader on the next summit of a close

A foreign policy advisor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the religious leader of Iran, Velayeti, said in a statement issued on Iranian public television that the next tripartite meeting of Spiritual, Putin and Erdogan on Syria will soon be the capital of Iran.

The last tripartite meeting of the Spirituals, Putin and Erdogan to end the conflict in Syria took place in Ankara in April

This explanation of Velayeti, the Russian leader Putin yesterday,

The Iranian adviser also noted that he had seen Putin the evil says that he was very constructive and friendly "now." We are ready to invest in the Iranian oil sector, "said Velayeti, who wants Russia to invest in the sector Iranian oil company: "Our leader (Khamenei) attaches importance to the development of our relations with Russia as a strategic partner.

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