The statement prepared for the purpose of harmonization with the system of the presidential government has been published. There were 218 amendments to the KHK published on the front page of the Official Journal today.
In the repetition number of the Official Gazette, "Decree-Law on the Amendment of Certain Laws and Decrees on Decrees-Laws" in order to comply with the amendments made in the Constitution was published.
In the 216th article of the 218th article, it was stated that the words "Prime Ministry" were replaced by "Presidential" and that "Prime Ministry" was replaced by "Presidential".
The powers of the Council of Ministers, which are included in certain laws and in certain laws, were transferred to the President
. "With the new decree-law, the" executive leaders "
In areas where the deputies of the president were allowed, the words" prime minister "and" prime minister "were replaced by" presidential deputies "instead of words "Prime Minister" and "Prime Minister"
The provisions of the Legislative Decree shall be promulgated on the date on which the President and the President begin to participate in the referendum.
In certain regimes, the "order", the "statutes" and "decrees" The provisions of certain laws have been abolished.
Among the provisions abolished in the decree-law are the provisions of Law No. 4308 on Military Orders and Decrees. laws on the prosecution of military personnel under extraordinary conditions, Law No. 4473 on fires, irregularities, crimes or landslides, There is Article 44 of the law on the treatment of things to be done. [19659004] The second clause of Article 2 of the Law on the Removal of Weapons and Explosives and the Exploitation of Hunting and Hunting Materials was published in the fourth paragraph of the l998. Article 14 of Law No. 1136 on Lawyers "
In the second paragraph of Article 13 of the Law on the Protection of Witnesses, the words" administrative "and" administrative ", which appear in the second paragraph of Article 13 of the Witness Protection Act, "Article 23 of the Convention was deleted under the title" Application of Military Criminal Proceedings "while it was removed from the text of the Article "among the first class military judges who worked".
The words "martial law" were excluded from the texts. 02] The second paragraph of Article 39 of the Minimum Labor Law No. 4857, the provisions of "Military Criminal Institutions and Detention Centers" of the first article of the Law on Prison Institutions and Detention Houses are reserved. was also among the abolished provisions of the execution.
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