Last minute: flash development in the village of Leyla! The clothes of little Leyla …


In Agri, on the first day of the holiday, the last tiny Leyla, who had disappeared by the creek, was found on the field.

The 18th day of search and rescue of the disappearing little body of Leyla, lost on June 15, the first day of the Ramadan festival in Ağrı, the nobility was given to the ground after the autopsy, located at 3 km stream. A 3 and a half year old Leyla dress was found by a citizen of the estate last night.
After being informed of the situation, the gendarme arrived at the scene and began a search operation in the field, taking important security measures around the area. Field investigation teams also participated in the field study was a search for a match. The shoes, clothes and socks of Leyla were in the middle of the fields.

Leyla's uncle, Yusuf Aydemir, stated that "Leyla's clothes were found at the 18th place of Leyla's search and rescue operations."

"Leyla's clothes were 200 meters away The gendarmerie, the village guards and the AFAD teams did not find work during the week and a week later they found their clothes, while that our relatives found Leyla's stylists while they were planting the other clothes and looking for the gendarmerie farm.Afad and the gendarmerie, they found the comics and then they looked for the deer. flying, while Leyla's other dresses were found on the ground, the drone did not find the gendarmerie and Leyla's robes were 200 meters from the body.

When we were abducted in Agri [19659002OnthedayLeyla'sfuneralwasheldGovernorSuleimanElbanwhomadethepressstatementsaidthesceneoftheincidenthadalreadybeenseenbyAFADteamsandfishermenatseveralTheWhenLeyla'sbodywasfoundthesecurityforcessearchedtheneighborhoodforthedisagreementbutnoclotheswerefound

Ağrı Baro's president, Ali Artuk, filed a petition with the prosecution to be involved in the case and said: "We have been informed about Leyla Aydemir's clothes and clothes of clothes on the Leyla Aydemir It is clear that it was removed in order to darken. "

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