June 24 after the elections, said the relentless speed to run strong in the name of Turkey Labor and Minister of Social Security Jülide SARIEROĞLU Official Journal of the Social Security Administration (SSI) Health Application Communication (SUT) recalled that they foresee the publication of new related regulations. Sarıeroğlu said that they have fulfilled the promise of being by their side in the fight against this disease with the regulations established in the published statement.
We have withdrawn from our citizens, the SGK Contractual / health care providers will not pay any fees for their services (cancer treatment, surgery, drugs), and they will not pay any of their citizens' pockets for the cancer surgeon before the settlement, this scheme paying about TL 750 million, making the cancer treatments completely free and we will continue to improve and improve our cost-effective treatment and prevention of cancer and other diseases "[19659003] "" SUT increased the price of 3,000 550 "OPERATING CODE"
Although various regulations have been made in the Health Application Communiqué (SUT) since 2008, a very detailed and technical study thousand 400 transaction code SUT 'in 3 thousand 550 transaction code that the price increase was made Sarıeroğlu transfers,' Changes made between 14 p one hundred to 225 percent of the price increase was provided.
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With the changes made in the release, we were able to take steps to resolve the issues of health care providers and the problems of the providers of health services. we offered a very big budget. With the SUT regulation, we provided about TL 2.5 billion of additional resources to health service providers each year.
With this press release, we once again expressed the value and importance we have given to humanity and to life that we have never considered a cost element in the provision of health services. We expect an improvement in the quality, accessibility, prevalence and employment in the sector by balancing supply and demand in the delivery sector. health services and increasing investment in the health sector.
In the last 24 hours,
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