US President Donald Trump, who criticized his European allies at the NATO summit, will today sign a historic meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
Trump evaluating the summit in Helsinki Finland for CBS television, Trump said: "I think it's a good thing to meet, I believe in the negotiations, nothing bad will disappear, but can -being something good is happening. "
Leaders who met twice in different organizations met for the first time at a US-Russian summit
President Trump met with Putin for two years in previous presidential elections, 12 Russian citizens accused of being hackers were also on the agenda, but Trump will not want 12 people to be returned to the United States.
January 20, 2017, then that he was sitting in his chair, US President Trump, who failed to get rid of the shadow of Russia, is the subject of a special investigation into the Moscow finger in the elections Some people of the Trump family appeared before the Russian authorities
The declaration made this morning by the Kremlin stated that Russia hoped overcome part of the crisis in both associations.
The President of the United States, who spent the weekend playing golf in his mother's native Scotland, said that the NATO summit last week and the summit of NATO which he attended last week,
Trump let his European allies declare that the NATO can leave without congressional approval, but does not need it at the moment.
Before traveling to Britain, the US leader, who interviewed the newspaper The Sun, said the two Brexit leaders, interviewed by Donald Trump earlier this month, said that NATO was now stronger and richer. said that the free-trade agreement between the two countries could be concluded,
In a GIS interview, Trump continued to charge the European Union (EU), "We have a lot of problems. I think that the European Union is the enemy of what it does to us in trade.Now you can not expect from the European Union, but enemies. "
Trump defines China and Russia as enemies ", but that does not mean that they are bad, that means nothing () {n (n), n (n), n ( t) callMethod?
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