Last minute: Ulusoy announced a transportation agreement


Ulusoy Travel the right of the most established brands of the region in the bankruptcy of the bus company Ulusoy Transport Turkey also said Concordat. Ulusoy Transport, had also suppress the turkey with all urban services November 1.

The court, which assessed the company's claim, made a preliminary decision of 3 months. Evren Kılıçoğlu, Yasin Doğan and Constant Selman Tünal Konkordato were appointed commissioners. No official statement was made by the company

In the text of the decision, the following statements were made:

  • In the case of ratification of the Convention requested by its parties; Our court obtained a provisional stay of 3 months from 23/11/2018 and Evren KILIÇOĞLU, Yasin DOĞAN and Sabit Selman TÜNAL were appointed concubation commissioners. The trial will take place on 20/02/2019 at 15:25. The creditors will be able to appeal the request for pardon within seven days of the date of the announcement of this ad in the newspaper. They will also be able to demonstrate, with the help of the evidence, that there is no condition imposing a limitation period and that they may seek the dismissal of the court. Article 288 of the IK must be announced by the provision

The company, created by Hacı Mehmet Bahattin Ulusoy in 1937 as a local freight forwarder and forwarder by Hacı Mehmet Bahattin Ulusoy, went bankrupt last year. One year before the bankruptcy, the right to use the brand in 2016 was transferred to Emre Baştuğ.


The Ulusoy logo and trademark right have been transferred to Ulusoy Transportation Oil. Thus, although Ulusoy went bankrupt, the buses bearing the brand logo continued to travel, but some members of the Ulusoy family opposed the brand's era and took the case to the forefront. Justice.

At the end of October, Pamukkale demanded concordat of tourism in passenger transport. In 1962, the company, created by the grandchildren of first-term legislator Hacı Mazlum Bababalım, seized the Izmir Commercial Court and a three-month period for Pamukkale Tourism.

The company, which has 600 buses and 15 million passengers, highlighted the economic difficulties.


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