In India, at least 29 innocent people have been killed in lynching incidents across the country in the last two months after rumors of kidnapping gangs and pedophiles spread to WhatsApp.
Finally, five men in the state of Maharashtra were lynched in thinking that they were members of a kidnapped gang.
Police declared that they belonged to a nomadic community and that they were crossing the country during the incident
Police said that members of that society were generally attacking while They were passing, while they were still doing it
The Indian government, which warned the public, called for immediate measures to prevent the spread of false information from WhatsApp.
In the provinces, the authorities also reported to the public that the government had warned the public
As a rule, the reports are broadcast with messages shared by a video showing two men who kidnapped a child on a motorcycle.
Meanwhile, Whatsapp's viddeo is shared with rumors that child traffickers are going to different cities.
That is why local people are wary of themselves when they meet people who do not speak or speak their own language. (f.fbq) return, n = f.fbq = function (), function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {n.callmethod?
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