On July 3, the event was held at the Darıca Farabi Teaching Research Hospital. According to the emergency service, allegedly, V.K., who drank alcohol, said that his arm was injured. V.K., looked at the arm and questioned the doctor who wanted to intervene
Meanwhile, the health worker Ayhan Meral intervened. V. K. holding Meral's left arm, biting. Security officers who saw the incident, Ayhan Meral V.K. While V.K. was placed in custody, Ayhan Meral, who was treated at the hospital, was also vaccinated against rabies. The health worker Meral complained of V.K., who was released after his release.
Darıca Farabi Hospital for Educational Research Chief Medical Officer Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Güneş said: "We believe that these horses should no longer be in our institutions, and I condemn the humanitarian primarily for health staff who are trying to save lives at the expense of their lives. We do not want to hurt the patient or the parents of the patient who do not have a profession. We believe that the person who performs the overwhelming event will receive the punishment he deserves in court. We hope that these kinds of events will never happen again. "(19659005)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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