


July 9, 2018

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A mass in the pancreas in Antalya, Osman Türkbayrak, unable to get caught due to the two postoperative operations that he recovered after a successful operation of whipple.

Osman Türkbayrak, She went to various centers for complaints of abdominal pain. Midea's treatment of Turkbayrak was applied but there was no decrease in pain. At the end of the exams, it was understood that there was a mass of 2.5-4.5 cm in the pancreas. Türkbayrak had to undergo surgery without wasting time. However, the operation could not be performed because the tumor was attached to the tree that feeds the area. Chemotherapy treatment began to decline and treatment was completed 1.5 months later.

Türkbayrak was reoperated after chemotherapy treatment because it was thought that the tumor was pulled into the vein, but the operation could not be performed when it was found that there was no change in the part of the vein. This time, he had radiation therapy with chemotherapy. He said that he would only go to the controls after 1.5 months of treatment. Even though Türkbayrak's son had been told that the pancreas could not be removed, Dr. Alihan Gürkan's

Türkbayrak & # 39; a, Prof. Dr. Alihan Gürkan and his team practiced Whipple surgery and the vein tumor was removed successfully. Turkbayrak, who survived surgery in the pancreas, described the treatment process and happiness as follows:
" Teacher. Dr. We learned that Alihan Gürkan Hodja has been doing so difficult operations. We also know that in some cases he removed the vein and replaced it with another vein. My body was completely worn because I had two operations. However, considering that the result would be good, I decided to have a third operation.

Prof. Dr. Alihan Gürkan said that chemotherapy and radiotherapy are important treatments for pancreatic tumors that are adherent or not operated for other reasons. Teacher. Dr. Gürkan, Türkbayrak gave the following information about the functioning of the operation:
"Many patients with pancreatic cancer become operable with chemotherapy.Our patient, who had no chance of being operated on or who had had difficulty with surgery before receiving chemotherapy. and radiotherapy, had a chance to be operated after successful treatment.It is especially important that the surgeon of a major disease, such as pancreatic cancer, has expertise in the evaluation of the specialized team work and elimination of tumors on the vein

Source: DHA

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