Many pears, yes


Pear that is very high in fiber, attracts attention as a fruit that almost everyone does not give up until childhood. Pears are recommended by doctors, especially for infants and diabetics. The average life of 200 grams is 85 percent of the water, which indicates the formation of water from the Bulu Dilara Süngü, "200 grams of a 100 calorie pear and of C vitamins, folic acid and copper contains.A medium-sized pear contains about 5 grams of insoluble fiber.If we think that women need a daily fiber weight of 38 grams per day for 25 grams of man, the pear will meet 15-20% of the fiber needs.Insoluble fiber speeds up the transit of food.Internal motility is improved and it is good for calm.Even an increase of 10 grams of fiber intake has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol and total cholesterol.2 Medium pears also have a bad cholesterol-lowering effect.Especially the hull contains a lot of fiber.For this reason, absolutely must be consumed with the skin, "he said.

Armutine has a low glycemic index and therefore gradually increases blood sugar. In this case, it is also suitable for diabetics and has a protective effect against cancer of the colon, rectum and breast cancer affected by anticancer at three months of gestation. it's a good source to satisfy the growing need for folic acid. It can be easily consumed by those who want to be low because of its low calorie content and high fiber content.

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