The question of whether cryptocurrency will be widely used in the future remains a topic of debate. Especially those who are worried about the lack of security do not even think about using crypto money.
The hackers come to see
McAfee says that McAfee is the safest crypto wallet in the world is competing to present the test to the test. The participant can participate in the competition is $ 50 participation fee. If a hacker (or expert) gets 50 credits after the crypto privilege has been hacked, he will find both the security of the system and McAfee will grant one hundred thousand dollars to each person who succeeds in hacking.
If someone hackers McAfee's Hacker, the success of the security system will be proven.
So, McAfee would have done good publicity for those who want to use the crypto wallet
Will a smart hacker participate in this competition?
Is McAfee trying to smell this ad-hoc hacker hacking the $ 100,000 security company software?
There is one segment that will never trust crypto
The crypto paran is encrypted and hidden it is hard to convince someone who is not familiar with their methods of dodging or dropping. For this reason, it would be a mistake to expect that people who do not have computer system and computer security use crypto money.
Crypto money will probably never be preferred by very large masses. It will probably remain a method that only minorities will use.
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