Memura minimum 3 miles 133 pounds


Millions of civil servants and civil servants will receive an increase of 3.5% + 5.17% in July and an increase of 9.17% of SSK and Bağ- Kur . Thus, the salary of the lowest official, including the family allowance, is 2 993 lire 3 133 lire the lowest pension for civil servants is 978 lire 2 thousand [19659000] The Department of Finance [19659000] In the statement made by the Department the monthly payments and salaries of civil servants and the pensions of civil servants, which come into force from from January, and the second half of last year [19659008] an increase of 5.69% overall with the inflation differential coming from the l '. inflation . In the statement, it is stated that an increase of 3.5% monthly pensions and salaries of civil servants and officials, all effective from July, is provided. During the first six months of this year, inflation was achieved at 9.17%. "With the achievement of the inflation rate the difference in inflation officials and civil servants" During the same period, the social contributions of the SSK and Bağ-Kur have increased of 9.17% during the same period . The minimum wage, including the family allowance, amounted to 2,193,900 lire . [19659000] (function, (d, s, id) {var js, id, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0];
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