German Chancellor Angela Merkel, despite some criticism, the government said that it was admirable efforts for Syrian refugees in Turkey.
Merkel in the Bundestag (Bundestag) today in his speech during the budget negotiations, noting that they spoke at the European Council summit, "In the end, this n & rsquo; Is not in Turkey Turkey accepts that 3 million 900 will contribute to thousands of refugees second 3 billion euros in financial aid we talked about. what we accepted for the help of a second. Turkey deserves to be criticized, but they make a huge contribution and appreciation for Syrian refugees in Turkey, "he said.
Merkel stressed that the issue of migration for the future of Germany and the whole of Europe must be resolved by solidarity and realistic plans in accordance with international law, and that the protection external borders of the European Union (EU)
Recalling that the United States wanted Germany to increase its defense spending within NATO, Merkel said that it had been decided to increase his defense spending because of the decision to increase his defense spending. that they would continue to increase their spending and that Germany would continue to be a reliable partner of NATO.
Merkel also added that the German Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, who has fallen ill with asylum seekers, will review the master plan that he has prepared and will seek ways to make asylum seekers more efficient and faster. n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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