Merkel: We can no longer trust the American superpower – Ahaber


German Prime Minister Merkel said that his country would continue to seek a trade alliance with the United States, but that the United States would no longer be sure to maintain the world order.

Angela Merkel despite her internal and external problems will continue to work. Merkel also noted that relations with the United States were "very important," although US President Donald Trump accused Russia last week because of energy dependence in Germany . ] Last week, Trump accused Germany of neglecting its NATO defense objectives while supporting the Baltic Sea oil pipeline project, worth 11 billion euros. dollars to import Russian natural gas



Merkel said that a year ago, Europe would no longer be able to trust the United States to determine the world order,

"We can no longer trust the superpower of the United States," said Merkel, adding that the US threat to impose taxes Customs on imported cars is "a danger to the welfare of many countries of the world".

Source: Reuters

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