TREASURE and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak state that the message they shared from their Twitter account gave the fruits of the negotiations in China in May
. Completing the $ 6 billion credit plan, Mr. Albayrak said, "I want to thank everyone who has passed the test. He said.
Albayrak, during a visit to Beijing in May International Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) in consultation with the President of Huiman Yi, energy investments in Turkey financing and long-term cooperation issues had an exchange of views.
China trip in our our negotiations have yielded fruits. Chinese financial institutions, for investments in the energy and transport sector; The private sector, public institutions and banks will complete the loan of $ 3.6 billion.
I thank everyone who has passed the test. Good luck On the other hand, the Minister of Finance and Finance, Berat Albayrak, visited the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) during his visit to Beijing,
class = & # 39; cf & # 39; Minister Albayrak said in his statement on social networks that "In the latest program of our visit to Beijing, the President of the world's largest bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Mr. Yi in energy investments in Turkey Huiman we dealt with funding and long-term strategic cooperation, "he said.
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