MIT brought two more packages!


13.07.2018 01:30 | Last Updated:

ANKARA Nationality

The National Intelligence Organization (MIT) has conducted an operation against Azerbaijan and Ukraine in Ukraine. From the terrorist operation "Azerbaijan filing" with Mersin Feton connected the imam businessmen including two senior terrorists abroad abroad, he was captured and brought to Turkey.

MIT continued its operations in the framework of the fight against Feton, two terrorists with a search warrant in the law


Isa Özdemir members of FETÖ, was arrested in Azerbaijan and Salih Zeki Yiğit in Ukraine. FETÖ members who were brought to the airport by Atatürk Airport are accused of being "a member of an armed terrorist organization". Jesus Ozdemir, member of FETO, completed the Baku State University in 1997. It was reported that Özdemir, who was in charge of Azerbaijan's affairs for a while, also served "Azerbaijani shop" of FETÖ. In the name of the terrorist organization Baku, on behalf of the owner of the company Avro 2000 operating in the construction sector, the second court of sanctions of Ankara against the owner of the second magistrate of the penal code [19659007] captured in Ukraine, Salih Zeki Yiğit, a member of the FETH in Mersin, he was determined that he realized the imam of the affiliated businessmen. Yiğit, who transferred the money he had collected from his businessmen overseas to finance schools in African countries, including Pennsylvania, fled to the country. foreigner after the coup attempt of July 15, 2016. (19659008)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n .callmethod?
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