Mustafa Cengiz, President of the Galatasaray Club, spoke at the Galatasaray Supporters' Association
Meeting of Galatasaray Supporters & # 39; Association, Mustafa Cengiz, President of the Sports Club Galatasaray, Özgür Savaş Özüdoğru, Secretary General Kaan Kançal, President of the Supporters Federation Galatasaray Eren Cicioğlu
The president of Galatasaray, Mustafa Cengiz, who attended the meeting to explain the problem, said that "the struggle for a human community, the one that made him tired, the one that made him happy I am a fan like you, I am a supporter of Galatasaray's love of share and accept the love of Galatasaray in your heart.I think this is the first time your clubs get together, have such participation and such unity.This makes me very happy to to see the faces that I have always known.I say very sincerely, if ever, I would like to go to all your events one by one.Because, as I said at the beginning of the word, you are your entity that keeps the leaders alive. you are us, we are nothing. It would be useless to continue such a struggle anyway. I especially want you to know it. I have to go to Geneva tomorrow. Both seeing friends and seeing the team. We are here and our Abdurrahim Albayrak and our beloved teacher Fatih. I am comfortable and can spend more time here especially on financial problems. I can take the time of UEFA. The real challenge is to have a vision, to have a vision, to sit in the system and to be a Galatasaray with good intention.
Mustafa Cengiz, speaking about the agreement reached with UEFA, said: "We we are fighting against UEFA progress.It is again to UEFA that you are a little late here.I have to give a wet signed letter.We have signed a certificate of participation with l & rsquo; UEFA on the 12th of the month.Later we signed the configuration agreement.Continental European law is a culture that promotes rebirth and reform.In other words, the l & # 39; Europe is a place where human rights and democracy are ironic.A Europe that does not have its own signature will pay its price very seriously, provided that it remains in the law. is not a threat, the reality .We had no special relationship or anything.We just told ourselves.And during those 5 months, the fans were standing. We talked about this take-off on foot. In 5 months, our numbers were specific. We have created and paid more than 600 million lire. There is only one transfer. Of course, we made it beautiful. We gave Ndiaye a high price.
Cengiz, seeking support from supporters, said: "Dear friends, I want to thank Galatasaray for your support do not lose.We are here today. We are not here tomorrow We want your support to Galatasaray as long as we are on the right path My personal support is not important at all Love me, I love you, I hope that in the league starting in August, we will drive Galatasaray to the best places and reach the championships again, welcome back, and thank you for your support.
Mustafa Cengiz, president of the Galatasaray Club, will visit the camp that he made in the yellow-red team in Switzerland
Cengiz, explaining to members of the press at the airport, "First of all, we are very happy to have the team, hocam and Abdurrahim.
Speaking of the transfer, President Mustafa Cengiz said: "If you are a transfer, do not worry, the transfer will definitely KAP We Let's explain – I do not mean other teams but all teams are in the same situation You can not leave without making money We are obliged to take action for him. development that made us happy … CAS forgave Milan for reference.We were delighted to be saved from punishment in Milan.
Cengiz says that they will talk about the financial situation in the coming days: "Footballers have not finished their accounts receivable. Nothing ends. It's a dynamic process. I hope we will do it. We will explain the financial issues in the coming weeks. Our first camp is 200,000 francs and this camp is 500,000 euros. We are sponsored by sponsors.
Mustafa Cengiz, for the news that Ndiaye had been recently transferred "We can not give this money to rent. euros in the Ottoman Empire We do not play this money.We burn unless the internal balances of the team are broken.
Commenting on the rumors of transfer on Emre Akbaba, Cengiz said: "Emre I would say so well. I did not see him. However, Galatasaray is felt wanting. The president of Alanyaspor is my close friend. I do not annoy them. A situation that will occur spontaneously.
Speaking of transfer offers allegedly reached Bafetimbi Gomis, Cengiz said: "We have no intention of selling Gomis is our precious football player, Turkey, which has a number of champions in the league.I do not know if it will be the champion of the championship.Croatia played the final, Greece was the champion before.
Mustafa Cengiz finally said, "My greatest chance is that I do not have Abdurrahim Albayrak, Fatih teacher and footballer of character. (F.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod ();}?
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