The dentist Recep Eşkar said, "First, the cause of the toothache should be determined and appropriate treatment should be applied. Many people work with stuffed information to relieve pain during toothache, and aspirin,
Natural Solutions for Dental Pain "class =" b-lazy "data-src =" https://cdn.yeniakit.com.tr/images/news/625/dis-agrisi-icin-dogal-cozumler-h1532711345-ab12ca.jpg"/>
Hospital Hospitadent Dental Board Dentist Member Recep Miskar, dental pain
First of all, one must determine why the toothache is caused and the proper treatment should be applied.Most people work with infant information to relieve pain during toothache , and aspirin, cologne, alcohol are placed on the tooth.This is absolutely not true.We must not forget that the detection and treatment of dental pain does not should be performed only by the dentist.
Brushing teeth helps to remove food stuck in rot and causes pain.
The circular water and salt water gargle partially cure toothache. It cleans female bacteria and reduces swelling.
Depending on the proposal and the conditions of use of your dentist, you will have pain relief for a certain period of time
The toilet should be absolutely free of aspirin and cola and should be replaced by eyelets. Carnation oil or dry carnations have been used for centuries to treat the infection. Pods that are good for toothache have anesthetic and antiseptic properties. It contains a strong substance called eugenol. It is also used in toothpastes to kill bacteria. If the dry eyelet is placed in the painful area, it will numb the area and reduce the feeling of pain. In addition, because of its antibacterial properties, the rotten tooth affects harmful bacteria in the vicinity.
Application of ice; The application of a cold compress on the painful area of the tooth or the rinsing of the mouth with cold water can temporarily relieve the pain.
If you have a toothache during the night, you can lie down because it increases your pain.