Software devi Microsoft Long Andromeda comes to a day with a name.
Andromeda, Andromeda, is also among the most mysterious products of the last period. Especially in June, the model that confronts me often, contrary to the last sensations does not seem to have been rafa . Behind the previous "no-announcements" news, Andromeda OS stated that the operating system was involved. The system, which was supposed to be unable to integrate Windows 10 due to quality and time issues, was supposed to push the device back into the background. However, the latest information shows that new work is being done in this area. The software Microsoft that would have resurfaced software and hardware, would be vulnerable in 2019. will be the year of collapsible smartphones and Andromeda or Surface Phone will take an active part in this process
Microsoft What We Know About Andromeda
The product, which would have operated for about two years, is described as removing the line between the mobile and the computer . The device, which will have a dual screen with a hinge in the middle or a foldable screen directly is still available as an option. Andromeda that looks like the concept above also seems to have a stylus stand
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Tags Andromeda hopes Increases information Microsoft Mobile mysterious product