New technique in pulmonary surgery


MELTEM YILMAZ – The new technique developed by the Karadeniz Technical University (KTÜ) Thoracic Surgery Department of Thoracic Surgery in pulmonary operations has also been accepted in the international field.

Head of Department of Thoracic Surgery, KTÜ Faculty of Medicine. Dr. In the presidency of Celal Tekinbas, Prof. Dr. Atila Türkyılmaz and Assoc. Dr. Bekir Sami Karapolat's team developed by the technique after lung surgery to open the airway can be trained to prevent complications related to

Chairman of the Department of Thoracic Surgery Professor. Dr.

Tekinbas, who stated that this surgical method developed by them was published in an international magazine, said:

"Every year in the world, because of different diseases, These operations can be so important that the lung is a vital organ and can cause many complications.These complications can be as important as the deactivation and loss of the patient.This method we have developed is a method that can eliminate the significant complication that can lead to death. "

" We accept patients from many parts of the country and we practice this method with confidence "

Professor who noted that no one had ever practiced the method before. Dr. Celal Tekinbaş, "We applied this method to 11 patients up to now, no complications in our patients, we reduced the complication rate from 20-40% to 2-4%, with a reduction of 39, about 10 times, 2 or 4% the complication is a very weak complication and a positive result and our patients were released with healing and there was no problem. "

Tekinbas explained that They have developed such a technique based on previously used surgeries and some methods used in the world.

Tekinbas pointed out that successful operations carried out in a short time were heard: "We accept patients from many parts of the country.It is an important development for our country and our university, and we have made a step forward and continue to do so, "he says.

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