Non-divisional sleep marks children in good health!


Some children resist falling asleep at night while others want to wake up at midnight and continue to sleep next to their parents. Specialist in Child Health and Hospital Diseases in Eurasia Dr. Ersin Yellow explained the causes of children's sleep problems.

What are the sleep problems observed in children?

Mumps: This is at the beginning of the most common sleep disorders in children. This can occur in all age groups when the age is between 3 and 5 years old. More frequent nightmares can occur during stressful and anxious times. There is no such treatment, but the stimuli are important. for example, when children watch cartoons that they can be affected, when they play violent games, or when they hear horror stories.

Sleep Terror: This is the most common sleep problem after nightmares. The child opens his eyes in fear, crying and shouting two or three hours after he sleeps, while he is sleeping heavily. However, since the eyes are open in sleepy terror, the parents think that they are awake.

Sleepwalking: Fertility is important, it usually begins around the age of 4 to 8 years and shows a decline towards puberty. Sleepwalking is also evident, but the eyes are dull and motionless. Safety precautions are very important because the child can continue to function unconsciously while sleeping.

Narcolepsy: This is a sudden onset of sleep seizures during waking. When a person talks or eats, he falls asleep, sometimes accompanied by his feet while he is standing. The frequency of these episodes of daytime sleep affects the daily quality of children.

Restless Legs Syndrome: The day does not usually cause too much trouble, at night, when it is asleep or when it is resting, it can cause serious damage to the head. The pain in the legs is a feeling of discomfort, like tingling. There may be different medical conditions underlying restless legs syndrome.

The temperament of the child,

Communication between the mother, the father and the child,



Children with iron and deficiency in B12 and some kidney diseases. ] Physical Conditions,


What are the Suggestions for a Healthier Sleep in Children

The Bedside,

The Guard of Awakened Yatağa and Learning of self-adjustment,

Teaching sleep without using a tool like swinging and sucking,

Telling a fairy tale or lullaby before falling asleep,

not being hungry for bed,

be allowed to sleep with a loved one,

not to compromise on sleep hours,

19659004] The night is kept away stimulating foods .

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