idiosyncratic salting meat (Saltbar A) global phenomenon movement with Nusrat Gokce, began shuttle diplomacy between Turkey and abroad. Next to his own restaurant in Etiler, he also opened branches in New York and Dubai last year and he is also the boss of the food and beverage industry and he is also in visit abroad. New York and restaurants in Dubai Outgoing Gokce planned stolen, private jet taking decided to buy time by allegations
opened a branch in the Grand Bazaar in the last few months Abroad with the famous butcher shop in Turkey It was learned that he went in search of a private jet to fly comfortably to the outside. Even according to demand, Gökçe has studied a special jet of 12 passengers in recent days. The budget of the famous businessman who plans to travel in the comfort of the house is between 5 and 7 million euros for the private jet budget … Among those who plan to buy immediately when he finds an airplane adapted to his budget and taste, Gökçe (F.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? S (f, b, e,
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