Specialist in General Surgery at Okan University Hospital Senior Lecturer.
"Obesity surgeon" at the surgical intervention in the digestive tract to help patients who are determined to be fat by measuring body mass index or body fat ratio to be able to lose weight, or "surgeon of obesity"
Who are the most suitable candidates?
First of all, it must be that the person has been obese for at least three years, does not suffer from chronic alcoholism and is not exposed to an acceptable risk of surgery. A patient who is going to be an obesity surgeon should not have an active psychiatric disorder. Not being limited by age, surgery can be performed more safely between 20 and 60 years of age. Surgery should be considered as a last resort for weight loss.
How obesity surgery is effective
Surgical methods in the treatment of obesity are mainly used to reduce food intake, reduce the risk of obesity, and for prevent obesity, limit the absorption of nutrients, or both. During restrictive surgery, the volume of the tab is reduced; the amount of food entering the stomach and the amount of food consumed by the person are reduced. During surgeries, some of the intestines are bypassed to reduce the absorption of nutrients. The amount of daily food taken by the patient operated according to the type of operation performed and the rate of absorption of the food received in the intestines is reduced. Thus, the patient quickly loses weight. But the obesity surgeon must continue to feed himself and to exercise after the operation, so that he is aware that someone has had a major operation to ensure a definitive and lasting effect on weight loss.
What is the most common surgery?
Currently, the two most common operations among obesity surgeons are gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy (stomach tube). These operations can be performed laparoscopically through small holes. With this method, surgery can be performed with less incision and less painful and safe. Gastric bypass surgery reduces the amount of food that the patient can receive by first reducing the volume of the stomach. In addition, some of the small intestines are bypassed. The absorption of nutrients is reduced because the way of food in the small intestine is shortened. This surgical technique should be preferred to patients with high calorie diet and eating habits.
What does one do in a stomach operation of a tube?
It may not be possible to achieve sufficient weight loss with only operations that reduce food intake. In the operation of Sleeve Gastrectomy (stomach tube), the long side is cut and a stomach tube is formed. With this technique, the amount of food taken for reducing the volume of mint is reduced, and a feeling of satiety occurs because the level of the hormone 'Ghrelin', secreted by the 39 stomach removed and defined as the hungry hormone, is reduced. Thus, patients can maintain their normal integrity of the digestive tract and gain weight quickly.
Is gastric bypass surgery the most common in the world?
Gastric bypass surgery was the most common surgical technique in the United States until recently. However, due to the fact that tubal abdominal surgery is both easier and similar, bypass surgery has begun, which has been the most frequently performed operation in the world and in our country.
Does the operation last a long time?
The duration of surgery may vary depending on the type of surgical procedure performed, the degree of fattening of the patient and the experience and experience of the patient. surgical team. Stomach tube operations usually last up to 60-90 minutes. It also takes about 20-25 minutes for the patient to prepare for surgery and to be awake and 20-25 minutes for the patient to wake up after the operation.
How long, what weight will be given after obesity surgery
Laparoscopy The expected weight loss after two years at the end of laparoscopic bypass surgery is about 70 to hundred, about 60 percent in the case of a sleeve gastrectomy the compliance of the patient after the operation is very important.
When it comes to returning to work after surgery
After obesity surgery, we usually recommend 15 days of rest at home after your surgery. If the patient works at the office, he can return to work after 15 days.
Is there a risk of weight loss again?
After the obesity surgery, the weight loss continues for about 1.5 to 2 years. In some cases, patients may be able to be overweight in as little as one year before this process is completed. The most important factors for healthy weight loss and ideal weight maintenance after surgery are balanced nutrition and exercise. However, the real long-term success depends on what you have accomplished in all the rules that are recommended to you.
The obesity surgeon is the other surgeon of obesity
It is important to change the old eating habits, to have healthy and balanced eating habits, to regularly exercise, disrupt postoperative control and receive psychological support. such as serious surgical procedures. Standard risk factors are the general health condition of the patient, the technical possibilities of the hospital and the surgical team experience. The most common risks of obesity are hemorrhage, anastomotic leakage (staple leakage), iron, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12 deficiencies, nutritional deficiencies and complications. gallstones. After all surgeries of laparoscopic obesity, it is possible to see open surgery and sagging in certain parts of the body.
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