While the expected inflation for 2018 is 12%, inflation is expected to be 10.6% in 2019.
The current account deficit in the country is expected to be 5.8 % of GDP in 2018. According to forecasts of the agency, the current account deficit will fall to 4.3% of GDP in 2019.
Raporda also developed proposals on issues such as strengthening the bases in the country, rebalancing growth, improving the distribution of bank loans and incentives for public investment and increasing prosperity.
follows the recommendations made by the OECD listed above in the subject of Turkey,
* regain the credibility of monetary policy through the provision of the independence of the Central Bank. Oral guidance should be based on how the authorities plan to achieve the inflation target
* Quarterly general budget accounts in line with international standards should be published quarterly. In addition, a financial policy report containing semi-budgetary activities and all possible liabilities should be published
* Financial and semi-budgetary policies should be strengthened, macro precautionary rules strengthened and housing loans limited [19659002]
A strategic assessment should be made to identify the constraints on the development of ecosystems that are currently vulnerable to equity financing of investments
* Cost-benefit analyzes of various capital programs. incentive to R & D approach based on performance and increase the effectiveness of subsidies and state aid
* Family businesses need technical skills in the name of corporate governance standards, professional governance and financial transparency.
Improving the Distribution of Bank Credits and Incentives for Public Investment
* International credibility, fiscal transparency, and price stability of public institutions should be improved to reduce financing costs [19659002] 19659002] * The mandatory auditing rules of the new Companies Act must be applied.
* Women's work should be facilitated and the quality and conditions of care for children and the elderly should be strengthened by early education.
should be evaluated
* land and effects on the transformation of the marine environment should be more actively evaluated and managed
in the same report, as well as the possible consequences of these effects. references shocks to possible shocks in Turkey were assessed:
* the failure to strengthen macroeconomic credibility in the case of Turkey, against the normalization of monetary policies in developed countries in a negative way by dissociating from them; other similar emerging markets may face capital outflows.
* Medium-Term Program "
* Due to regional geopolitical crises, tourism revenues may be reduced, consumer confidence and business confidence may be affected, which may have a negative impact on the economy. Economy, the level of total consumption and investment may decline.
* Brent oil price at $ 10 per possible increase in Turkey deficit ratio / GDP may also be down to 0.5 percent. In such a situation, the difficulties of external sustainability and inflationary pressures may become more severe.
* A debt crisis in the real estate and construction sectors could reduce house prices and limit housing prices Accessibility of households and real estate companies.
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