OTAŞ explanation of VakıfBank | NTV


Bank Foundations Turkey TAO (Vakıfbank) Turk Telekom, the main shareholder of Oger Telecom is AŞ (OTAS) bank for the planned restructuring on the throne debt lending contracts also announced that all the lenders by the parties reach an agreement between them.

VakıfBank makes a statement on the Kamuyu Lighting Platform (KAP) entitled "Restructuring of its debt restructuring by OTAŞ."

In the statement made by VakıfBak, OTAŞ, the main shareholder of Türk Telekom

"In accordance with the agreed structure, OTAŞ owns it, and that is the percentage of issued capital of Türk Telekom Lt; / RTI & gt; In order to provide guarantees for existing loans pledged 1 billion 925 million shares of the Group of loans that they co-founded directly or indirectly the Republic of Turkey will be installed or must to be supported by an ad hoc company.The completion of the transaction is subject to the reconciliation of contracts for the loan to restructure with the new company, the completion of the necessary institutional, administrative and all kinds of & # 39; 39 approvals and permits, and the provision of the necessary conditions under the contracts.Significant developments in the subject will be announced to the public later. "

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