An organization was organized to promote the organized industrial zone to create
Vakfıkebir Kaymakamı Mesut Yakuta, Mayor of Vakfıkebir Muhammet Balta, Vakfıkebir on behalf of TTSO Şaban Bülbül, who is part of the Board of Directors of 39 OSB Entrepreneurs,
During the visit, Vakfıkebir Mayor Mohammad Balta, who gave information about OSB, said: "Development plans on the scale 1/5000 and 1/1000 prepared by Vakfıkebir Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, which is about 810 acres, and approved by the Ministry of Technology, fragmentation plans, expropriation studies and sector studies have been completed. percent of the planning area are industrial plots, 8.59 percent are social and technical facilities and parks, 2.15 percent are service areas, 37.14 percent are based on institutional views, and # 39; Physical state of the terrain the road is planned. In the field of planning; There are a total of 65 industrial plots, of which 3 are of type 10.001-20.000 m D, 13 are of type 7.001-10.000 m C, 21 are of 5.001-7.000 m2 type B and 28 are 3.000-5.000 m2 type A. 19659002] Balta, who gives information on the contents of Organize Sanayi Bölgesi and points out that it will not cause environmental pollution, said that "Balta is a company that does not pollute our province, food manufacturing, production beverages, textile manufacturing, clothing production, wood products and mushrooms manufacturing, paper and paper products manufacturing, printing and reproduction of recorded media, manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products, chemical manufacturing and chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical and basic pharmaceutical manufacturing, non-metallic mineral product manufacturing, common metal manufacturing of metal products, manufacturing of electronic products electronics, the manufacture of electrical equipment, the manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified, the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, the manufacture of other transport vehicles, the manufacture of furniture manufacturing,
Şaban Bülbül, board member of Vakfıkebir OSB, said that applications for OSB Vakfıkebir panel, which includes 65 industrial plots ranging from 3,000 square meters to 20,000 square meters, have begun to be received, stating that "Karma Investments belonging to 24 sectors can be made in OSB Vakfıkebir, which is planned as OSB. Requests have begun to be received. If sufficient demand arrives, the floor plan will be exceeded. We all know the difference and the difficulty of establishing a flat industrial area and establishing an industrial area at the top of the mountain. Especially in areas like Trabzon, it is obvious that it is difficult to create an industrial area.
anaban Bülbül pointed out that the applicants had begun to receive them. "14 Our company has made requests for the floor.We expect companies that need the site board to make the applications as quickly as possible and that the division is working.No problem of expropriation. The majority of the applications we have received so far relate to the food sector.We plan to allocate sectors to minimize the interaction between them.An OSB should not harm other sectors The treatment must be done in a very good environment Vakfıkebir We can transform the BSF into a green industrial zone, perhaps with its treatment, water, environmental regulations and social facilities, and it can become a region adds value not only to businesses, but also to those who live there. "
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