Question of the national lottery: the results of the national lottery of July 29 are classified in full list


The draw for the 29 July national lottery was held in Ankara tonight. The lottery made by the National Lottery Administration in the live lottery with a big bonus of 2.5 million pounds quarter of a bilete is out. It was the first time that tickets were sold from martial arts terminals and one of these tickets was one of the big winners. The other lucky ones are Istanbul, Istanbul and Aydın. With the following national lottery ticket search tool, you can ask yourself how many bonuses you get for your ticket.


National Lottery July 29 You can request tickets in a practical way with the link below. Once you have selected July 29th from the lottery date menu, enter the numbers on the ticket you wish to view about the ticket number section. Once you have done this, you can find out if you have reached a jackpot by clicking on the "Request" button. Of course, you can also see the complete sequential list of the 29 July National Lottery Lottery with the "All Lists" button.


List of all notes dated 29-07-2018
Province-District where the grand prize winner is shipped: DIGITAL SYSTEM-, AYDIN-MERKEZ,
Winning Numbers of the jackpot 20000 TL
Numbers winners of the jackpot 20000 TL
Numbers winners of the jackpot TL 10000
Winning Numbers
114907 209237
5000 Winning Numbers
200584 328539 353373
] Numbers having won 400 TL for the last 5 digits
01861 15378 50720 71777 72432 73345
74284 77085 78630 79132
Number having won a bonus of $ 200 according to the last 4 digits
0777 3517 4010 4012 5265 6909
7714 8258 8520 9634

According to the last 2 numbers, the numbers that earn 48 TL jackpot
01 24 39 64 69 86
89 93
Bonus winning numbers
4 7
Number of winners winners of consolation
079604 109604 119604 129604 139604 149604
159604 169604 170604 171604 172604 173604 174604 175604 176604 177604 178604 179004
179104 179204 179304 179404 179504 179600
179601 179602 179603 179605 179606 179607
179608 179609 179614 179624 179634 179644
179654 179664 179674 179684 179694 179704
179804 179904 189604 199604 279604 379604

Lottery tickets SALES NEW RENEWAL

Some classic tickets from the National Lottery 29.07 .2018 will go on sale from the terminal of the digital games on July 20 are. According to the game plan of the national lottery tickets produced and sold by the system, the bonus payment limit for the tickets that touch the jackpot is

-1,000 (thousand) TL (including 1,000 TL)) TL 20,000 (TL twenty thousand) are the reseller's payment ages.

Our prints can be viewed live on the raffle days of ​​and

This is a game of chance based on the principle that tickets with the deleted number will be sold and the number and the amount will be determined by the lottery to be awarded certain days. Lottery lotteries will take place on the 9th, 19th and 29th days of each month so that the lottery draws. Special draws may be held no later than the specified dates, with different raffle dates and plans. Every year, on December 31, special Christmas holidays are organized. The board of directors is authorized to determine, modify or delete the dates of the draws and the dates of the special draws.

Where and how are the National Lottery tickets printed?

The National Lottery ticket printing is T.C. In the matrix of bank notes of the Central Bank, special money documents are monitored under conditions of security.

Points to consider when buying a national lottery ticket

  • The National Lottery Administration must be purchased from those who own the dealer license and present it when asked to do so.
  • There must be a sales seal behind the ticket.
  • The security number on the lower left of the banknote should be felt when both fingers are tilted.
  • When the ticket fire is held, the money paper has a white emblem MP emblem. There are fibers (3mm) in the form of bright lines and dotted blue and light green in the light.
  • Under 18s can not buy tickets.

    The signature of the surname and given name of the surname and given name of the National Lottery Administration is recommended for security reasons. In addition, bonus winners are encouraged to sign their first and last name after the tickets to prove that the tickets belong to the National Lottery Administration or their agencies in order to receive their prizes.

    The National Lottery will pay the jackpot corresponding to the last three (3) tickets of the National Lottery to National Lottery franchisees and fixed franchisees. he is difficult. These men can pay the tickets for the last four or five tickets.
    The Prime Minister and the virtual environment franchisees pay premiums up to the amount indicated in the agreement that they signed with the Administration.

Regardless of ticket reductions for New Year's Eve, 1,000,000.- (one million TL).

Amortis : The bonus granted to tickets according to the last issue of the national lottery ticket in each lottery. The value of your ticket is worth it.

Series right : Consecutive series of consecutive numbers, the last digits being from 0 to 9 or 0, and the consecutive number of consecutive numbers, Mixed series : Not following each other sequentially but keep the last digits from 0 to 9 or from 0 to 99

Cross series : The national lottery is the order of the first and last digits from 0 to 9 when the arrangement of ten or one hundred sets of notes.

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