Liv Samsun Hospital Dermatology Clinic Ext. Dr. Serra Hande Öcal informed about "the sun is burning". "The sun is very important – heat, light, energy and source of life – the ultraviolet (UV) rays reaching the earth have benefits for the human organism as well as damage that can not be ignored. very rich country in terms of sunlight.Sunlight gives happiness and is responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D. However, unconscious exposure to sunlight can lead to many diseases that can be triggered mainly through sunburn, brown color changes, sun allergy and sunlight.In the long term, it is manifested by various skin cancers, especially melanomas (benign cancers), signs premature aging, resulting in DNA damage that can not be repaired, for this reason it is intended to benefit from sunlight without being exposed to harmful effects. skin that occurs after long and intense exposure to deep sunlight. Ultraviolet rays exposed to the sun for a long time; redness on the skin first, and the bubbles filled with water even more severely. Redness, pain, swelling begins after 24 hours in the sun, reaches the maximum in 24 hours. It is the first degree burn. When the water is full of bubbles, it means that she has become a second degree. The third degree burns in burns, the sun does not cause third degree burns. UVA and UVB rays, which cause sunburn, also cause skin cancer.
"People with open skin, colored eyes, yellow red hair are particularly sensitive to sunburn"
We talked about the reasons for the burn. Dr. Serra Hande Öcal, "Other factors affecting the formation of sunburns can be counted as the type of skin expressed by the skin color of the patient, the duration and intensity of the skin. luminous effect, margins and places of high altitude.Since the sun's rays show damage accumulating properties, it is more exposure of childhood and the sun is burning.The most cause skin cancer is sunburn in childhood.A child whose life is already burned by the sun is twice as likely as a person who is not at risk of developing cancer of the skin. With each burn, this risk doubles.The best way to prevent skin cancer is to prevent sunburns.People with open skin, colored eyes and yellow-haired hair are particularly sensitive. at sunburns At a height of 300 meters, the energy increases by 5 %.Solar energy goes through the water and wet clothes. Asphalt, sand and snow increase the energy reflection. Children's skin is sensitive to the sun because it is very thin in the first years of life. As children play outside and are not aware of the dangers, the task falls into the family. Babies 6 months old should be kept out of direct sunlight, protected from sunlight with hats and clothes. When parents leave children, sun protection is absolutely necessary. When choosing sunscreen, be sure to include a mineral filter and be careful not to be allergic to the baby. In sunscreens containing chemical filters, the risk of allergies is higher. Infants younger than one year are more sensitive than older children and the absorption of any type of cream is more common. Therefore, when choosing a sunscreen for less than 1 year, you should ask your doctor. Children with very light colored eyes and 50 factors and sunscreens should be preferred for babies under 1 year old.
"The solarium can cause skin cancer."
The skin that must be taken against the fossil called "Dr. Serra Hande Öcal," Children should be applied at least 1520 minutes before the cream is removed. The protection period of sunscreen is up to 34 hours. It should be remembered that if the child spends more than half an hour, sunscreen must be renewed frequently. Exposure to the sun should be avoided when the sun's rays are effective and harmful. You should not be exposed to the sun between 10.0016.00 if you have the opportunity, or at least 11.0013.00 when the sun is the most harmful. It is important to remember that sunscreens adapted to the structure of the skin must be used, but these creams serve only as filters and do not block all UV rays. For this reason, it is best to use light and abundant clothes that minimize the transparency of the sun's rays when exiting, and use a broad-brimmed hatchet and renew the sunscreen to certain intervals of the day. The solarium entrance should be avoided. Because contrary to what is known, UV rays in the solarium are not harmless. Lamps used in solariums generally emit UVA and UVB rays, which can lead to long-term skin problems and skin cancer. "
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