Rıd Süte Zam Discussions


All meat and dairy president of the Association of Sumer livestock breeders Solakoglu, "We are in all prices under 2 TL, our cows because we make milk money, we have to start to gradually reduce. Milk and dairy animals is about the future of meat in Turkey. We look forward to supporting the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and our government. "

The National Dairy Council met today in Ankara, and the council meeting began at 2 pm The gross price of raw books is now 53 pence per 1 pound. Producers demanding that the price of raw poultry be raised to the price of the liter were taken in the eye of the meeting.Sencer Solakoglu, president of the Association of All Breastfeeding and Nursing Farmers. Livestock (TUSEDAD), which had to explain to members of the press before the meeting of the Council, said that expectations should be raised to 2 TL. "Today, the National Milk Council has reached agreement on milk prices, but as far as we understand, the price to pay does not seem to reflect the 2 TL we expect. we have to start our cows because we are making money from cutting milk slowly. this slow price is what happened up. milk and dairy animal concerns the future of meat in Turkey. we are here to raise awareness of the importance of meat and milk. Agriculture and forestry and the government support us are waiting, "he said.

"The manufacturers of Turkey surrounded"

Ankara district for a meeting and it had many producers from different cities. Ebubekir Bagci, who came out of Konya just for the council meeting, said that there are about 100 animals and that their costs are very high. Bagci said that food prices were a big expense, "When last year was about 55 TL, the price rise of 40 percent came and the other expenses were raised while we bought the bait.

Bagci, who has been a manufacturer since its inception, has a price of at least 1.75 TL and a price of 1.80 TL to continue this work. [19659002] "Milk is worthy of the value they deserve"

Hasan Güleç, a native of Haymana district in Ankara, said he is currently suffering from this price and can not earn money. stated that they were not satisfied because they were raising cows but were not breastfeeding. "Güleç said," We have a family, we have a family, we have costs, we want to earn 2 TL, we do not save ourselves, we expect the increase tomorrow because we contribute to the economy of the country, but now the knife is bamboo. The Versines do not have milk production and we cut their cows.

The producers left the mussels that they had prepared in front of the council. ANKARA

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