Selected members of the Supreme Court and the State Council were published in the Official Journal


Judges and Prosecutors of the Kumlu Presidency:


Date of Resolution: 16/07/2018 Decision No: 226

1- Court of Assizes Istanbul (40105) ABDULLAH ÖZER


4- Director General Personnel (40878) AHMET KAR

5- Head of the Department of the Regional Court of Justice of Istanbul (39706) ) AHMET SEZER

6- The Attorney General of Küçükçekmece (37197) ALİ DOĞAN

7- Regional Court of Justice of Antalya (29867) ALİ NEVZAT AÇIKGÖZ

8- Court of Assizes d & # 39; Istanbul (40184) ALİ ÖZTÜRK

9-Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeal (41927) ALİ SANDIKCI

10- Deputy Prosecutor of the Prosecutor of Ankara (35242) AYTEKİN CENİKLİ [19659002] 11- Istanbul Anatolia Hakimi (38290) BAYRAM AYDOĞDU

12- District Court of Ankara (39740) BAHRAM ŞEN

13- Court Department of District of Ankara District (33870) BERRİN AKSOYAK

14- Attorney General of the Republic of Kastamonu (34423) BÜLENT KANTARCI

15- Ankara Hakimi (39644) CAFER AŞIK

] 16- Prosecutor of Supreme Court of Appeal (39600) CELAL ALBAY

17- Kayseri Hakimi (34093) CENGİZ BALIKCI

18- Prosecutor of the Court of Justice of Istanbul District (34478) CENGİZ TURHAN [19659002] ÇETİN AKKAYA

20- Director General of International Law and External Relations (39825) DR.HARUN MERT

Director General of International Law and Foreign Relations (19659002) DR.EKREM ÇETİNTÜRK

] 23- Istanbul Regional Court of Justice Head of Department (34,472) of Dr.orhan TAB

24- Ankara Public Prosecutor West (39680) Ergun Sahin

25- Academy of Turkey Head of Department of Justice (39,778) Ertan Aydın [196Directeurgénéraladjointdudroitinternationaletdesrelationsextérieures(39889)FARİSKARAK[59002] 26- Deputy Director General of Criminal Cases (403 50) FAHRETTİN KIRBIYIK

27- Supervisor of the Supreme Court of Appeals (42065) FAHRETTİN KOÇ

19659002] 29- Department of the Court of Justice of the District of Erzurum (41925) FATİH AKDOĞAN

– Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Izmir (34335) FATİH MEHMET ÖZTÜRK

31- Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeal (33989) FEHMİ TOSUN

32- Region d & # 39; Ankara Head of the Court of Justice (29120) FERHAN TEMEL

33- Director General of Legal Affairs (35158) FEYZULLAH TAŞKIN

34- Assize Court of Istanbul (40052) FİKRET DEMİR

35- Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeal (37056) HALUK 37- Head of the Regional Justice Court of Istanbul (30863) HAYRİ KAYNAR

3 – Head of the District Courthouse of Istanbul (30863) 3 – Deputy Attorney General of the Republic of Konya (33394) Haşan Öz

8- Assize Court of Istanbul (39873) HULUSİ P UR

39- District Court of Ankara Member (40331) HÜSEYİN SARIKAMIŞ

40- President of the Criminal Court of Gaziantep (36130) İBRAHİMİLHAN

41- Ministry of Justice High Consultant (37179 ) İBRAHİM PEKTAŞ

42 – Head of the Computer Center (39982) İDRİS ÜNAL

43 – Head of the Commercial Court of Ankara (34610) İLHAN KARA

44- Ankara Hakimi (30214) İSMAİL AYSAL [19659002] 45 – Department of Internal Audit Internal Auditor (37027) İSMAİL TAMER

46- Ankara Hakimi (33554) İSMAİL ULUKUL

47- Istanbul Judge (40235) İSMAİL YAVUZ

48- Prosecutor the Supreme Court of Appeal (40011) KEMALETTİN ÜNLÜ [49-ProsecutoroftheAppealCourt(37685)KENANZEYBEK

50- Under-Secretary-General of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (39666) MAHMUT AKGÜN

51 – Samsun District Court MEHMET FATİH BELVİRANLI

54- Ankara Procure deputy (30858) MEHMET ASANOĞLU

52- Istanbul Regional Court of Justice Head of Department (31180) MEHMET CEBECİ

53- General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Centers Deputy Director General (38468) MEHMET TUNAÇ

57- Deputy Director General of the European Union Director General (40223) METİN TEPE


55- Regional Court of Ankara Head of Department] 58- Justice Academy of Turkey Vice-President (40349) MIKAIL ÖZDEMİR

59- Ankara President Heavy Criminal Court (41,916) MUHAMMAD Yavuzer

60- Ministry of Justice Advisory Services (34418) MUHARREM URGUP

61- Ankara Judge (63- Attorney General of Izmir (30938) MUSAFA DEMİREL

63- The Attorney General of the Republic of Turkey (30938) MUSAFA ÇORUMLU

62- Chief of the Court of Justice of the District of İstanbul. Ankara (37520) MUSTAFA EROL

65- Chief of the court of Sitting of Istanbul (37235) MUSTAFA KARA YILDIZ

66- Head of the Regional Court of Justice of Istanbul (38196) MUSTAFA TANER Uyar

64- Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Justice (33369) 19659002] 67- General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses (40137) MUSTAFA YAPICI

68- Supreme Court of Appeal Prosecutor (33559) MUSTAFA YILDIRIM

69- Ankara Hakimi (30925) MUZAFFER GÜRKANLI

70- Court Palace of Ankara District Court of Appeal (36568) NECİP TOPUZ

73- Ankara Hakimi (40187) NUMBER KILIÇ

72- Attorney General of the Court of Appeal (36568) NAKİP TOPUZ

73- Ankara Hakimi (40187) Head of the Department of the Court (34077) NADİR MERAL [19659002] 74- İzmir Hakimi (33471) ORHAN BALBAL

75- Attorney General of Malatya (33211) ORHAN USTA

76- Ankara Hakimi (32420) ORAN YALMANCI

77- Ankara Böl g Court of Justice Head of Department (33 8 33) RAHMI ALTUNTOP

78- Bakirkoy Judge (40351) Recep Awake

79- Justice Academy of Turkey Vice President (40234) Rifat FAI

80- Bakırköy Public Prosecutor's Office (30769) SABER YILMAZ

83- General Directorate of Criminal Affairs Director General (35482) SELİM AKER

84- Ankara Republican State General Directorate of Criminal Affairs (35482) Selim AKER

81- Republican of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice Justice Inspection Board (40906) ŞABAN KAZDAL


85- Supervisor of the Ministry of Justice (39954) SERDAR MUTTA

86- Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Bursa 30918 SINAN SEZER [19659002] 88- Head of Department of the Regional Court of Justice of Ankara (33467) ŞAHİN ÇİL

89- Supreme Supervisory Authority of the Court of Appeal (39583) Şeravettin ÖZYÜRÜR

90 – Division of Istanbul (33 968) ŞERAFETTİN SAKA

91- Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Justice (39864) TALİP KAKIR

92- Prosecutor of Ankara (39759) TEKİN KÜÇÜK

93- Ankara Hakimi (40993) TURHAN ROOT [19659002] 94- Samsun Republican Attorney General (34888) UĞUR SÜRMELİ

95- Head of the Justice Department of the Regional Court of Antalya (37114) VELİ ŞENGÜN

96- Prosecutor of Ankara (42743) VELİHATTİN ELDEMİR

97- Judges and Prosecutors YILUS AKINCI

99- Regional Court of Justice of Antalya Head of Department (37946) YUNUS YILMAZ

100- Regional Court of Justice of Istanbul (19659002) 98- Regional Court of Justice of Istanbul Head of Department (39564) YILMAZ AKINCI [TheChairmanoftheDepartment(35979)YÜKSELGEZGİNwaselectedtothe

Supreme Court of Appeal.

The new members of the State Council, determined by HSK,

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