Charles Bronson, 64, the UK's most wanted criminal, decides to divorce after the appearance of his wife, Paula Williamson's two-person vacation photos.
Britain's most wanted criminal, Charles Bronson, decided to divorce his wife actress Paula Williamson, the title of his vacation photographs. Images of actress Paula Williamson of Bronson, taken during her holiday in Tenerife, Spain, appeared last week. The Coronation Street playmaker, the sincere images of two men of Williamson, rang in England.
& # 39; & # 39; ERROR ERROR: The Coronation Street actress, Williamson's breasts at the age of 37, was presenting another man in the disc. Paula Williamson said in a statement to The Sun newspaper: "I am really ruined, I can not stop my tears, I made a stupid mistake and now I have lost everything I 've lost. love." Seeing the photos reflected in the media, Bronson explained his divorce.
the most pursued, asked Paula Williamson to make a video call from her mobile phone. Despite spending a long time behind bars, Charles Bronson was married twice before and once engaged.
. Bronson's punishment, which was constantly attacking the guards and violently while he was in prison, was turned into a prison.
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