Sunay Öztürk, owner of two children working in the tourism sector in Alanya, decided to make zirconium on January 25 to whiten his teeth. Öztürk, who was born in Germany and spoke English, German, French, Russian, Spanish and Italian as well as Turkish, requested a private dental clinic with a loan of 10 thousand lire from the bank. Ozturk was cut for 20 female coatings, up and down 10 ".
According to the DHA report; Öztürk who counted days to get the white teeth that he desired, returned to the same polyclinic after a while. According to the statement, although it is said that there is pain in the small teeth, the coating of Öztürk has been achieved. A few days after the procedure, Öztürk, who again went to his doctor after his teeth hit his teeth, received antibiotics and painkillers. Despite the use of these drugs, the woman who does not hesitate to suffer, the other three women felt pain with the female who wanted to be taken.
Öztürk lost 32 teeth in about 2 months, tried to get rid of the pain with drugs because the pain killers did not benefit. Öztürk went to see the brain and the nerve surgeon to see the situation. Here, Öztürk was diagnosed with "trigeminal neuralgia" (very sudden, throbbing, stabbing and holding a side of the face) known as "delusional illness" among people. Öztürk who entered surgery of last resort as a last resort did not hesitate at the end of the operation.
Sunay Öztürk applied to the faculty of dentistry at Akdeniz University. With the operation performed here, the nerves to the jaw were cut off. Ozturk, who was unable to get rid of his pain after jaw surgery, was taken away from Antalya on July 1 by the Ministry of Health and taken to Ankara.
Drug treatment was started to be applied to Sunay Öztürk, where a series of tests were conducted at the Gülhane Hospital Education and Research.
Sunay Ozturk stated that the drugs administered are serious side effects and that they are constantly taking care of themselves, claiming that the doctor is closely related to him but that he can not diagnose it. he. Ozturk said: "I ask what is the diagnosis, but I can not get an answer because the doctors do not know, the pain is in pain."
Ozturk also explained that doctors l & rsquo; examined 2-3 times a day, he said to himself, "You need time." Sunay Ozturk said, "People are getting better, we are at the hospital corners with my child, we are not psychologically good, I thought out of the hospital and the doctors came out of my brain for two years. "
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