Sweeping period of the brain in the treatment of mental illnesses


The first stage of treatment of a broken arm or a bicep begins with an x-ray to determine the location of the fracture. Doctors do not usually take a picture of the brain if the treatment of mental illness is involved.

Pervin Nuruddin will see for the first time in his brain

There is a doctor who thinks that Nuriddin can understand why he has suffered from mental illness throughout his life.

Nuriddin, ]

Nuruddin was transferred to a psychiatric hospital in Russia at the age of 6 years.

According to Carolyn Presutti of America Voice, Nuruddin, who came to the Amen Clinic for diagnostic purposes, uses a device called SPECT to scan the brain.

19659002] The device maps brain activity and determines areas where oxygen is not.

Dr. Lantie Jorandby, "We combined these four regions into a diamond slice."

Dr. Lantie Jorandby, Nuruddin, diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. "Some of the depressed patients have had very serious traumatic brain injuries that have not been diagnosed before, and some have been exposed to some chemical or toxic substances," he says, "but this method only works not always. "

Amen Clinic has done over 140 brain researches in the last 30 years.

According to some experts, SPECT has been shown to treat patients unnecessarily when they are exposed to radiation.

Dr. Jorandby, "The academy sees this as a method of research rather than as a clinical tool" he leaves.

But what is important for Nuruddin is the correct diagnosis: "I did a lot of tests throughout my life.

Nuruddin says his brain will show his paintings to his older brothers who tell him that his emotional troubles are right in his head.


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