For the resolution of the current chaos in Syria from 2011 to today, strategies to interest all parties in the future of Syria, especially the interests, must be considered in the context of conflict between world powers and the weakness of the international community.
On July 16, between Putin and Trump, the summits of Helsinki were revealed. At the end of our summit on this summit last week, we made a comment on "The security of Israel, the dialogue of Assad with the SDG and the establishment of a region autonomous in the north of Syria. "
In Syria, four areas of influence for the division were defacto. The province, with the capital Sham, under the name of the Syrian Arab Republic with the support of the Russian and Iranian military forces, comprises two regions, namely the central and coastal regions. The regime controls nearly half of Syrian land and 65% of the population.
Secondly, under the name of SDG, composed of terrorist organizations backed by the US armed forces, the region extending from the Euphrates to Kamışlı is about 30% & # 39 ;. In this region Menbiç other stains caused mainly conflict between Washington and Ankara and is related to the security and survival of Turkey.
Azez under the control of the FSA, including Syrian opposition groups with third support TAF, Jerablus, in addition to El Bab and Afrin
The fourth is the boundaries of the heights of Golan occupied by Israel, as well as the borders of the provinces of Dera and Kunaytra coordinated by the United States and Jordan.
On the other hand, the Syrian army is trying to take control of Dera, which is lined by the Golan Heights in the Israeli occupation and exposed to constant conflict.
If we watch Menbic 2016 in the Euphrates Shield thanks before the US airport campaign has set up seven points, of which Menbiç and military bases on the way to settlement of PKK and PYD is open.
United States is north of the Menbiç, to the west if Russia, Turkey and Syria by organizing the deployment of the troops Menbic interference. Then, despite the threat of Ankara, the United States, Ankara the PKK-PYD Menbiç terrorists leaving to retire and Turkey, according to the roadmap announced in 2018 accepted a joint committee Management. Up to now, the patrol of Turkish soldiers at some points can not advance
According to information obtained by journalists from the Anatolian Agency, the heads of the Kandil organization and the representatives of the regime met some time ago in the Baath party in Aleppo.
As these developments indicate, the United States and Russia are in agreement and, as has been mentioned many times in our earlier writings the main objective of the States United States is to establish an autonomous region in Iraq in northern Syria. In fact, it is suggested that the Russians favor a federal structure and that Russia took part in the new constitutional act made by Damascus.
The situation in Idlib is mixed. Targeting civilians in Dera is worrying. In Astana, Idlib has been declared a non-conflict zone, but the leadership of the Sham regime towards Idlib, like Gota, would reverse the process of Astana. In southern Syria, Israel calls on Russia to remove Iranian militia from the border region for at least 80 km. the senior executives of the Russians in this regard are to visit Tehran both in Tel Aviv.
employees to treat all parties in the framework of the diplomacy engineering according to their own interests and already holds in the hands of the rope of Syria Russia, the Assad regime with Turkey how to resolve disagreements between the two.
It will show everything when time passes.
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