Gooogle has introduced new rules for Play Store developers, many of which are influenced by categories. According to Android police reports, applications that use crypto money mining and distracting apps that use adware are only two of the groups affected by the bans.
. Play Store & # 39; a DRM
The Google Play Store also prohibits cloning in the new rules. Apps that currently offer the same user experience by mimicking an app on the Play Store will no longer be available on the platform. Such applications fall into the clone application category, as long as they do not add anything new or original to the cloned applications. Similar implementations of the same developer in the Play Store will now be removed from the Play Store in the new rules. In addition, application packages written with a tool running in an automated process (eg tools like Tasker App Factory) will not be accepted by Google as the application platform. In addition, Google also added firearms and applications. part on the Google Play Store. This decision supports the ban on ammunition and firearms by YouTube in March, when we passed. Finally, although targets children, implementations of adult content may not be able to achieve their goals,
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